Saturday, 12 November 2011

On the 16th day of the 11th month an association will fall

I’m feeling like NBAstradamus. While many writers were lining up to purchase their 36-home game season tickets I continued to spout ‘end of days’ verbiage.   Sources say that Stern does not want a season of less than 70 games, which means a deal has to be made soon, as in now - the good news is we won't have to listen to any 'Miami will win 70 games' talk.   The writing’s on the wall, it’s been structure issues, not Basketball Related Income issues for a while now.  "They don't want to do a deal," one agent said of the owners' proposals. "And what they've underestimated is the resolve of the players." No, the players underestimated the resolve of the owners.  Kelly Dwyer talks about the player’s futility, which echoes my sentiments: players lose, fans lose, owners unrepentant…Bombay drinks. 

Yesterday was Remembrance Day /Veteran's Day  so I dedicate these drinks to all veterans past and present.  Even with a belly full of liquor I could never be as brave as you.

Friday’s Games (10)
DEN @ LAL / LAC @ BOS / MEM @ DAL (Vanilla Stoli and Vernor's ginger-ale): Three solid matchups,  nothing to go crazy over, but games worth watching.  I chose a drink that tastes like a creamsicle because for some reason DEN @ LAL evokes that in me. 
GSW @ NOH (Alize): Steph Curry, Montae...ohhh and a lil' bit of Chris Paul.  Sipped some sweet Alize in honour of this game.
NJN @ MIA (shot of Jim Beam): Take a shot so it's over quick, like this game would be.
PHO @ IND / WAS @ ORL / UTA @ ATL (Canadian Club and ginger ale):  Utah and Atlanta are both at a franchise impasse, and the Suns well, no comment. Drank some light tasting rye and gingers cause these games would get a ‘breeze-over’ on LeaguePass.
MIL @ PHI  / SAC @ MIN (shot of mezcal): Watching these matchups would make me sick to my stomach.  Much like cheap mescal makes me sick to my stomach.

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